Host UART driver


Implements a UART driver to connect via TCP sockets, allowing terminal emulation using telnet.

By default, output to UART0 is sent to the console and keyboard input is written to the UART0 receive queue. If emulation is enabled on any ports then this behaviour is disabled.

Build variables


To enable emulation for a UART, set this value to the numbers required. You would normally add this to a project’s file.

For example:


If setting it on the command line, remember to use quotes:


See Basic Serial which uses both serial ports like this.


The base port number to use for telnet. Default is 10000, which corresponds to UART0.

This is passed to the command line --uartport option.


By default, this value combines the above options.

Allows full customisation of UART command-line options for make run.

You should not need to change this for normal use.


Set required ports for emulation using the ENABLE_HOST_UARTID, then execute make run.


As an alternative to make run, you can run the compiled application manually like this:

out/Host/debug/firmware/app --pause --uart=0 --uart=1

Now start a telnet session for each serial port, in separate command windows:

telnet localhost 10000
telnet localhost 10001

In the application window, press Enter. This behaviour is enabled by the pause option, which stops the emulator after initialisation so telnet can connect to it. Without pause you’ll lose any serial output at startup.)


For Windows users, putty is a good alternative to telnet. It also has options for things like carriage-return/linefeed translation (“\n” -> “\r\n`”). Run using:

putty telnet://localhost:10000

Port numbers are allocated sequentially from 10000. If you want to use different port numbers, set HOST_UART_PORTBASE.