Configuring your Esp8266 device

You may need to configure your project to support the specific device being programmed.


Arduino has a system which allows these values to be set based on a board selection. At present Sming does not have such a system so this must be done manually.

Here are a few important ones:

  • SPI_MODE Change this if your device fails to program or run

  • SPI_SIZE If using a device with reduced memory you may need to change this value. Note also that samples using SPIFFS for Sming may not work.

  • COM_PORT If you haven’t set this already, it will need to match the port you’re using to talk to the Esp8266.

  • COM_SPEED_ESPTOOL The default value should work fine but you can usually set a much faster speed.

You can set these initially on the command line, like this:


Once you’re happy with the settings, you can add them to your file.

You can list the current set of configuration variables like this:

make list-config

If you want to reset back to default values, do this:

make config-clean


When SPI_MODE or SPI_SIZE are changed, you must update the on-flash configuration data by running:

make flashinit

You should do this before uploading your program code.