Modbusino is a ISC licensed library to handle Modbus requests on Arduino (slave).
To keep it simple and to reduce memory consumption, only the two following Modbus functions are supported:
read holding registers (0x03)
write multiple registers (0x10)
#include <Modbusino.h>
/* Initialize the slave with the ID 1 */
ModbusinoSlave modbusino_slave(1);
/* Allocate a mapping of 10 values */
uint16_t tab_reg[10];
void setup() {
/* The transfer speed is set to 115200 bauds */
void loop() {
/* Initialize the first register to have a value to read */
tab_reg[0] = 0x1234;
/* Launch Modbus slave loop with:
- pointer to the mapping
- max values of mapping */
modbusino_slave.loop(tab_reg, 10);
I want to keep this library very basic and small so if you want to contribute:
Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
Fork the repository on Github to start making your changes on another branch.
Send a pull request (of your small and atomic changes).
Bug the maintainer if he’s too busy to answer :)