Date and Time

DateTime class

class DateTime

Date and time class.

Date and time functions mostly work with Unix time, the quantity of seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01. There is no support for leap seconds which are added (and in theory, removed) occasionally to compensate for earth rotation variation. This means that timespan calculation and free-running clocks may be inaccurate if they span leap seconds. To facilitate leap seconds, reference must be made to leap second table. This will not be done within the Sming framework and must be handled by application code if required.


Sming uses 32-bit signed integer for its time_t data type which supports a range of +/-68 years. This means Sming is susceptible to Year 2038 problem.

Public Functions

inline DateTime()

Instantiate an uninitialised date and time object.

inline DateTime(time_t time)

Instantiate a date and time object from a Unix timestamp.


time – Unix time to assign to object

inline operator time_t()

Get current Unix time.


time_t – Quantity of seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01

void setTime(time_t time)

Set time using Unix timestamp.


time – Unix time to set object time to

inline void setTime(uint8_t sec, uint8_t min, uint8_t hour, uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint16_t year)

Set time using time and date component values.

  • sec – Seconds

  • min – Minutes

  • hour – Hour

  • day – Day of month

  • month – Month (0=Jan, 11=Dec)

  • year – Year

bool fromHttpDate(const String &httpDate)

Parse a HTTP full date and set time and date.


Also supports obsolete RFC 850 date format, e.g. Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT where 2 digit year represents range 1970-2069


GMT suffix is optional and is always assumed / ignored


httpDate – HTTP full date in RFC 1123 format, e.g. Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT


bool – True on success

bool isNull()

Check if time date object is initialised.


True – if object has no value. False if initialised.

time_t toUnixTime()

Get Unix time.


Unix time does not account for leap seconds. To convert Unix time to UTC requires reference to a leap second table.


time_t – Unix time, quantity of seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01

String toShortDateString()

Get human readable date.


String – Date in requested format, e.g. DD.MM.YYYY

String toShortTimeString(bool includeSeconds = false)

Get human readable time.


includeSeconds – True to include seconds (Default: false)


String – Time in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss

String toFullDateTimeString()

Get human readable date and time.


String – Date and time in format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss

String toISO8601()

Get human readable date and time.


String – Date and time in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

String toHTTPDate()

Get human readable date and time.


String – Date and time in format DDD, DD MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss GMT

void addMilliseconds(long add)

Add time to date time object.


add – Quantity of milliseconds to add to object

String format(const char *formatString)

Create string formatted with time and date placeholders.


Uses strftime style formatting, e.g. format(“Today is %a, %d %b %Y”) returns “Today is Mon, 10 Dec 2018”


Localisation may be implemented in libsming at compile time by setting LOCALE, e.g. LOCALE=LOCALE_DE_DE


Default localisation is EN_GB


Formatting parameters





Abbreviated weekday name



Full weekday name



Abbreviated month name



Full month name



Locale preferred date and time format



Century number (2 digits)


Day of month as decimal number with leading zero (2 digits)


US date format (mm/dd/yyyy)


Day of month as decimal number with leading space (2 digits)


ISO 8601 date format (YYYY-mm-dd)


Equivalent to %b



Hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)


Hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 00 to 12)


Day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366)


Month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12)


Minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59)




Meridiem indicator: AM or PM. Midnight is AM and noon is PM


Locale 12-hour clock time notation. This is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p



Time in 24-hour notation (HH:MM)


Second as a decimal number (range 00 to 60)


Horizontal tab


Time in 24-hour notation (HH:MM:SS)


Day of the week as a decimal (range 1 to 7, Monday is 1)


Week number as a decimal number (range 00 to 53, first Sunday as the first day of week 01)


ISO 8601 week number as a decimal number (range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week including a Thursday)


Day of the week as a decimal (range 0 to 6, Sunday is 0)


Week number as a decimal number (range 00 to 53, first Monday as the first day of week 01)


Locale preferred date representation



Locale preferred time representation



Year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)


Year as a decimal number (range 1970 to …)


Percent sign


formatStringString including date and time formatting


String – Formatted string

inline String format(const String &formatString)

Create string formatted with time and date placeholders.


see format(const char*) for parameter details


formatStringString including date and time formatting


String – Formatted string

Public Members

uint8_t Hour = 0

Hour (0-23)

uint8_t Minute = 0

Minute (0-59)

uint8_t Second = 0

Second (0-59)

uint16_t Milliseconds = 0

Milliseconds (0-999)

uint8_t Day = 0

Day of month (1-31)

uint8_t DayofWeek = 0

Day of week (0-6 Sunday is day 0)

uint16_t DayofYear = 0

Day of year (0-365)

uint8_t Month = 0

Month (0-11 Jan is month 0)

uint16_t Year = 0

Full Year number.

Public Static Functions

static void fromUnixTime(time_t timep, uint8_t *psec, uint8_t *pmin, uint8_t *phour, uint8_t *pday, uint8_t *pwday, uint8_t *pmonth, uint16_t *pyear)

Convert from Unix time to individual time components.


This is a more compact version of the C library localtime function


Pass the Unix timedate value and pointers to existing integers. The integers are updated with the converted values


This static function may be used without instantiating a DateTime object, e.g. DateTime::convertFromUnixTime(…);


32-bit Unix time has year 2036 issue.


Unix time does not account for leap seconds. To convert Unix time to UTC requires reference to a leap second table.


All of the return values are optional, specify nullptr if not required

  • timep – Unix time date value to convert

  • psec – Pointer to integer to hold resulting seconds

  • pmin – Pointer to integer to hold resulting minutes

  • phour – Pointer to integer to hold resulting hour

  • pday – Pointer to integer to hold resulting day of month

  • pwday – Pointer to integer to hold resulting day of week

  • pmonth – Pointer to integer to hold resulting month

  • pyear – Pointer to integer to hold resulting year

static time_t toUnixTime(uint8_t sec, uint8_t min, uint8_t hour, uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint16_t year)

Convert from individual time components to Unix time.


Seconds, minutes, hours and days may be any value, e.g. to calculate the value for 300 days since 1970 (epoch), set day=300


This static function may be used without instantiating a DateTime object, e.g. time_t unixTime = DateTime::convertToUnixTime(…);


32-bit Unix time is valid between 1901-12-13 and 03:14:07 2038-01-19


Unix time does not account for leap seconds. To convert Unix time to UTC requires reference to a leap second table.

  • sec – Seconds

  • min – Minutes

  • hour – Hours

  • day – Days

  • month – Month (0-11, Jan=0, Feb=1, …Dec=11)

  • year – Year (1901-2036), either full 4 digit year or 2 digits for 1970-2036

System Clock


enum TimeZone

Time zones.


enumerator eTZ_UTC

Use universal time coordinate (UTC)

enumerator eTZ_Local

Use local time.


SystemClockClass SystemClock

Global instance of system clock object.


Use SystemClock.function to access system clock functions



SystemClock.setTimeZone(+9.5); //Darwin, Australia

class SystemClockClass
#include <SystemClock.h>

Public Functions

time_t now(TimeZone timeType = eTZ_Local) const

Get the current date and time.


timeType – Time zone to use (UTC / local)


DateTime – Current date and time

bool setTime(time_t time, TimeZone timeType)

Set the system clock’s time.


System time is always stored as UTC time. If setting using the value retrieved from a time server using NTP, specify eTZ_UTC. If passing a local value using eTZ_Local, ensure that the time zone has been set correctly as it will be converted to UTC before storing.

  • time – Unix time to set clock to (quantity of seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01)

  • timeType – Time zone of Unix time, i.e. is time provided as local or UTC?

String getSystemTimeString(TimeZone timeType = eTZ_Local) const

Get current time as a string.


Date separator may be changed by adding #define DT_DATE_SEPARATOR "/" to source code


timeType – Time zone to present time as, i.e. return local or UTC time


String – Current time in format: hh:mm:ss

bool setTimeZoneOffset(int seconds)

Sets the local time zone offset.


seconds – Offset from UTC of local time zone in seconds (-720 < offset < +720)


bool – true on success, false if value out of range

inline bool setTimeZone(float localTimezoneOffset)

Set the local time zone offset in hours.


localTimezoneOffset – Offset from UTC of local time zone in hours (-12.0 < offset < +12.0)


bool – true on success, false if value out of range

inline int getTimeZoneOffset() const

Get the current time zone offset.


int – Offset in seconds from UTC

inline bool isSet() const

Determine if setTime() has been called yet.


Indicates whether time returned can be relied upon

Private Members

int timeZoneOffsetSecs = 0
bool timeSet = false