Sming Host Emulator


Allows Sming applications to be built as an executable to run on the development host (Windows or Linux).

This is a source-level emulator for developing and testing new framework code prior to flashing a real device.

This is not a machine emulator; if you need something operating at a lower level take a look at QEMU.


CMake is required to build LWIP

Ensure you are using relatively recent compilers, with 32-bit libraries available.

For Linux, you may require the gcc-multilib and g++-multilib packages to build 32-bit executables on a 64-bit OS.

For Windows, make sure your MinGW distro is up to date. See Windows Installation for further details.


Build the framework and application as usual, specifying SMING_ARCH =Host. For example:

cd $SMING_HOME/../samples/Basic_Serial
make SMING_ARCH=Host

This builds the application as an executable in, for example, out/Host/firmware/app.exe. Various command-line options are supported, use --help for details.

The easiest way to run the emulator is via make run. Variables are used to pass the appropriate options to the command line.

To find out what options are in force, use make list-config.



Use this to add any custom options to the emulator command line. e.g.:

make run CLI_TARGET_OPTIONS=–help make run CLI_TARGET_OPTIONS=”–debug=0 –cpulimit=2”

Note: These settings are not ‘sticky’
