Sming comes with a number of ported libraries that cover many areas of embedded programming but for sure not all.
To reduce the size of the framework, some libraries are not included directly and must be retrieved if you wish to access any sample applications there.
For example, the Basic UPnP sample application is contained in the UPnP library, which can be retrieved like this:
make fetch UPnP
You should then get UPnP: found in ‘Libraries/UPnP’, so now we can build the sample:
cd Libraries/UPnP/samples/Basic_UPnP
If your project references any libraries they will automatically be pulled in during the build.
These are all the libraries included with Sming:
- AM2321 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
- APA102 LED
- Adafruit BME280 Library
- Adafruit Bus IO Library
- Adafruit GFX Library
- Useful Resources
- Adafruit ILI9341 Arduino Library
- Adafruit NeoPixel Library
- Adafruit PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD Library
- Adafruit_SSD1306
- Adafruit ST7735 Display
- Adafruit Unified Sensor Driver
- Adafruit VL53L0X Library
- AnimatedGIF
- ArduCAM Library
- arduinoFFT
- ArduinoJson Version 5
- ArduinoJson Version 6
- Arduino TensorFlow Lite
- At Client
- BH1750FVI Light Sensor
- ESP32 BLE Gamepad
- ESP32 BLE Keyboard
- BME280 Barometric Pressure Sensor
- BMP180 Pressure/Temperature Sensor
- Bounce library for Arduino
- CS5460 energy meter IC
- Capacitive Sensor Library
- Command Processing
- ConfigDB
- CSV Reader Library
- DFPlayer - A Mini MP3 Player For Arduino
- DHT ESP Temperature/Humidity Sensors
- DIscovery And Launch (DIAL)
- DS18S20 Temperature Sensor
- Arduino DS3232RTC Library v1.0
- Disk Storage
- FatIFS
- Flash In-Place
- GoogleCast
- Sming Graphics Library
- HMC5883L Compass
- HardwareSPI
- Hue Emulator
- I2C Device Class
- IO Control
- IRremoteESP8266 Library
- Nextion Serial Displays
- JsonStreamingParser
- Liquid Crystal
- LittleFS
- MCP23008 Port Expander
- MCP23017 I2C Port Expander
- MCP23S17 SPI Port Expander
- MCP_CAN Library for Arduino
- mDNS: Multicast Domain Name System
- MFRC522 RFID Module
- MHZ19 CO2 Sensor
- MMA-7455 Accelerometer
- MPU6050 Gyro / Accelerometer
- Mirf for NRF24L01
- ModbusMaster RTU Library
- Multipart Parser
- ESP32 NimBLE
- OneWire for Arduino
- Over-The-Air(OTA) Upgrader
- Over-The-Air(OTA) Network Upgrader
- Over-the-Air Firmware Upgrade
- OTA Firmware Upgrade via MQTT
- rc-switch
- Arduino driver for nRF24L01 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver
- RapidXML
- Embedded RingBufCPP
- RingTone
- SD Card
- SI7020/SI7021 Environmental Sensors
- SPI Library
- SD Storage
- Servo RC PWM Control
- Signal Generator
- SmingTest
- Solar Calculator
- SparkFun APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor Arduino Library
- SPIFFS IFS Library
- Switch Joycon
- ILI9163C TFT Display
- TFT_S1D13781
- TM1637 LED Driver
- Timezone
- Tone Generator
- UPnP Schema
- UPnP
- Ultrasonic
- VT100 Emulator
- WS2812 Neopixel
- WebCam
- Yeelight
- FAT Filing System
- Flatbuffers
- JerryScript
- libsodium
- modbusino RTU Library (modbus slave)
- Nano Protocol-Buffer
- rBPF Femto-Container support
- Si4432 RF Transceiver