
This sample demonstrates how to provide application functions for use by VM containers.

  1. Declare calls

    This sample provides three application calls:

    int bpf_user_get_magic();
    void bpf_user_set_magic(int value);
    size_t bpf_user_send_packet(char* data, size_t len)                                                   \
    size_t bpf_user_read_packet(char* buffer, size_t len)

    These are declared using the BPF_SYSCALL_APP macro.

    The include/bpf_appcalls.h must be provided in the container directory.

  2. Implement calls

    The application must provide implementations for the declared functions in the rBPF::VM namespace. Implementations are identical to the VM calls but with an additional pointer to the VM :cpp:typedef:`bpf_t` instance:

    int bpf_user_get_magic(bpf_t* bpf);
    void bpf_user_set_magic(bpf_t* bpf, int value);
    size_t bpf_user_send_packet(bpf_t* bpf, char* data, size_t len)                                                   \
    size_t bpf_user_read_packet(bpf_t* bpf, char* buffer, size_t len)

    Note that when passing pointers these must be checked using either bpf_store_allowed() or bpf_load_allowed().

    See appcalls.cpp for the implementations.


SoC support

  • esp32

  • esp32c2

  • esp32c3

  • esp32s2

  • esp32s3

  • esp8266

  • host

  • rp2040

  • rp2350