Graphic Editor

Run this application on target hardware or in the host emulator to allow GED (Graphical Editor) to control it.

It is intended to be a companion application which can be run on the target hardware to evaluate exactly how the screen will appear in the final application.

See Graphical Editor for further details.

Getting started


make graphic-editor

If this doesn’t work, see Sming Graphics Library for installation requirements.

To demonstrate using the host emulator:

  1. Build this application:

    make SMING_SOC=host
  2. Run the virtual screen:

    make virtual-screen
  3. Run this application using the virtual screen address (in the title bar):

    make run VSADDR=
  4. Run the graphical editor, if it isn’t already:

    make graphic-editor
  5. Hit the load button and navigate to the samples/Graphic_Editor/projects directory. Load the images.ged sample project.

  6. Hit the Send resources button. You should see messages on the console indicating successful resource upload.

  7. Hit the Send layout button to update the virtual screen.

The Send resouces only needs to be done once in a session unless new images are added or their sizes changed.


SoC support

  • esp32

  • esp32c2

  • esp32c3

  • esp32s2

  • esp32s3

  • esp8266

  • host