Graphical Editor

This is a simple GUI layout tool to assist with placement and setting attributes, etc. for objects.

It is still very much a work-in-progress but should still be of some assistance.

See below for installation requirements. The Graphic Editor sample application demonstrates updating the screen in a running application.

Project files have a .ged file extension and are in JSON format. They should be easy to read and parse to suit any particular application.


User Interface

Top menu buttons:
  • Clear Reset everything ready to create a new layout

  • Add random Add some random items to the screen (testing)

  • Load Load project file

  • Save Save project file

  • List Dump project data to console

  • Send resources Send resource block to Graphic Editor application

  • Send layout Send layout information and update Graphic Editor screen

On the right is context-sensitive information in pages.


General project information.

  • Client IP address for device running Graphic Editor sample application

  • Width, Height, Orientation target device attributes

  • Scale reflects zoom level for editing area

  • Grid alignment Set grid snapping in pixels


Lists all items in layout, synchronised with selection. Item ordering can be adjusted using navigation shortcuts listed below.


Allows editing of font resources. - To add a new font, type a new name then select the font family. - To change font parameters select its name from the list and amend fields as required.

Note that only system opentype/truetype fonts are selectable. Other font types as discussed in Sming Graphics Library are not currently supported in the editor.

  • name Name of font resource as referred to in layout

  • family Available system fonts to use

  • size Which size to compile the font in

  • mono Whether to use grayscale (looks better) or monochome (saves memory)

  • normal, bold, italic, bold-italic. Which typefaces will to compile for the application.


Allows basic editing of image resources

  • name Name of image resource as referred to in layout

  • source Path to source image file (e.g. png, jpeg, etc.)

  • format Which format to convert this image to. Ideally this matches the target device (RGB24, RGB565) to avoid processing overhead. If left blank then the raw source data will be used; it’s up to the application do perform any decoding, etc.

  • width, height Dimensions for converted image. Ignored if format is blank.


Shows details of selected item. If multiple items are selected then shows only attributes common to all items. For some fields (e.g. width) a drop-down list contains values for each item. For other fields (e.g. type) shows possible values. Note: Cannot currently change item type.

Complex edits such as renaming font resources can always be done by manually editing the project file as it’s a pretty simple format. Make sure to back it up first, though!

Design goals

  • Platform portability
    • Uses python ‘tkinter’ library which is old but universally supported

  • Simplicity
    • quick and easy to use

    • requires minimal display parameters (size, pixel format)

    • minimal install dependencies, no compilation required

  • Accurate
    • Pixel layout corresponds to actual hardware, not just some idealised representation

  • Easy to modify/extend, e.g.
    • adding additional export formats


Features to add:

code generation

At present this is left up to the application. For simple layouts it can be done manually. A python or javascript can be used to parse the JSON project file.

Preferably generate data blocks which can be imported into applications. Some will be static, e.g. screen backgrounds, May require code generation but if so keep to an absolute minimum. Data blocks can incorporate logic (Graphics::Drawing).

  • multiple selections

  • cut & paste

  • undo / redo

Grouping / overlays / scenes
  • e.g. common page background (‘master page’)

  • concept of ‘scene library’ perhaps

Resource script integration
  • export/import to/from .rc files

  • select fonts