Basic Config

Sample application demonstrating ConfigDB.

The schema

The sample-config.json file is from the ESP RGBWW Firmware project. The corresponding schema basic-config.cfgdb was generated as follows:

  • Visit

  • Paste in the sample JSON file

  • Select Spec Version draft-07

  • Set Policy for default to useFirstSamples

  • Select Infer format for values ip and uri

  • Hit submit and save the generated schema with .cfgdb extension

Then do some editing:

  • Open the .cfgdb file in vscode and associate with JSON format (hit F1 then change language mode)

  • Add "store": true values to the root, general, color and events objects.

  • Add some shared definitions in $defs and corresponding $ref references.

  • Use ctype annotations to use more specific types for some property accessors (Url, IpAddress, etc)

  • Add include annotation to ensure our referenced types are available

Web client

The sample starts a basic HTTP server which can be visited to view the database content in JSON format. On the linux host emulator, for example, enter to view the entire database. To view a specific object use JSONPath notation, for example

An HTTP POST request can also be used to update the database contents. This must have Content-Type: application/json encoding. For example, send {“security”:{“api_secured”:”false”}} to update a single value. Use the update endpoint. In the host emulator, for example, POST to


Environment Variables

SoC support

  • esp32

  • esp32c2

  • esp32c3

  • esp32s2

  • esp32s3

  • esp8266

  • host

  • rp2040

  • rp2350