Hardware timers

The ESP8266 has one of these, HardwareTimer, which can be programmed to trigger when a pre-programmed interval has elapsed. The callback handler is executed in an interrupt context so is restricted on what it can do.

The timer is appropriate where accurate and short timing is required.

The API for hardware (and Software timer queues timers) is identical, implemented using a CallbackTimer class template for best performance.

group hardware_timer

Hardware callback timer.


template<hw_timer_clkdiv_t clkdiv = TIMER_CLKDIV_16, HardwareTimerMode mode = eHWT_NonMaskable>
using HardwareTimer1 = CallbackTimer<Timer1Api<clkdiv, mode>>

Hardware Timer class template with selectable divider and interrupt mode.

using HardwareTimer = HardwareTimer1<>

Default hardware Timer class.


enum HardwareTimerMode

Hardware Timer interrupt mode.


enumerator eHWT_Maskable
enumerator eHWT_NonMaskable


static uint8_t state
static TickType interval
template<hw_timer_clkdiv_t clkdiv, HardwareTimerMode mode>
class Timer1Api : public CallbackTimerApi<Timer1Api<clkdiv, mode>>
#include <HardwareTimer.h>

Class template for Timer1 API.


Provides low-level interface for timer access