
Utilities for handling time periods at nanosecond resolution.

namespace NanoTime


enum Unit

Identify units for a scalar quantity of time.


Ordered in increasing unit size, e.g. days > seconds


enumerator Nanoseconds
enumerator Microseconds
enumerator Milliseconds
enumerator Seconds
enumerator Minutes
enumerator Hours
enumerator Days
enumerator UnitMax


const char *unitToString(Unit unit)

Get a string identifying the given time units, e.g. “ns”.

const char *unitToLongString(Unit unit)

Get a long string identifying the given time units, e.g. “seconds”.

template<uint64_t time, Unit unitsFrom, Unit unitsTo, typename R = std::ratio_divide<UnitTickRatio<unitsTo>, UnitTickRatio<unitsFrom>>>
constexpr uint64_t convert()

Function template to convert a constant time quantity from one unit to another.



uint32_t micros = convert<50, Milliseconds, Microseconds>();

Template Parameters
  • time – The time to convert

  • unitsFrom – Units for time parameter

  • unitsTo – Units for return value


TimeType – Converted time

template<typename TimeType>
TimeType convert(const TimeType &time, Unit unitsFrom, Unit unitsTo)

Function template to convert a time quantity from one unit to another.

Template Parameters

TimeType – Variable type to use for calculation

  • time – The time to convert

  • unitsFrom – Units for time parameter

  • unitsTo – Units for return value


TimeType – Converted time, returns TimeType(-1) if calculation overflowed

template<typename T>
Time<T> time(Unit unit, T value)

Helper function to create a Time and deduce the type.

template<Unit unitsFrom, Unit unitsTo, typename TimeType>
TimeType convert(const TimeType &time)

Function template to convert a time quantity from one unit to another.

Template Parameters
  • unitsFrom – Units for time parameter

  • unitsTo – Units for return value

  • TimeType – Variable type to use for calculation


time – The time to convert


TimeType – Converted time, returns TimeType(-1) if calculation overflowed


constexpr BasicRatio32 unitTicks[UnitMax + 1] = {{1000000000, 1}, {1000000, 1}, {1000, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 60}, {1, 60 * 60}, {1, 24 * 60 * 60},}

List of clock ticks for each supported unit of time.

template<typename ClockDef, uint32_t frequency_, typename TickType_, TickType_ maxTicks_>
struct Clock
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class template representing a physical Clock with fixed timing characteristics.


Physical clocks are implemented using this as a base. The provided frequency accounts for any prescaler setting in force. Fixing this at compile time helps to avoid expensive runtime calculations and permits static range checks.


Use TimeSource to work with a Clock in specific time units

tparam ClockDef

The actual Clock being constructed (so we can query its properties)

tparam frequency_

Clock frequency in Hz

tparam TickType_

Variable type representing the clock’s tick value

tparam maxTicks_

Maximum count value for the clock

struct Frequency
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class to represent a frequency.

template<typename Clock_, typename T>
struct Ticks
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class to handle a tick value associated with a clock.

template<class Clock_, uint64_t ticks_>
struct TicksConst
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class template representing a fixed clock tick count.


Includes compile-time range checking

tparam Source_

tparam ticks_

template<typename T>
struct Time
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class to handle a simple time value with associated unit.

template<class Clock_, Unit unit_, uint64_t time_>
struct TimeConst
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class template to represent a fixed time value for a specific Clock.


Includes compile-time range checking. Time is taken as reference for conversions.

tparam Clock_

tparam unit_

tparam time_

template<class Clock_, Unit unit_, typename TimeType_>
struct TimeSource
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class template for accessing a Clock in specific time units.


Includes compile-time range checking. Time is taken as reference for conversions.

tparam Clock_

tparam units_

tparam TimeType_

Limits range of calculations

struct TimeValue
#include <NanoTime.h>

A time time broken into its constituent elements.


Useful for analysing and printing time values

template<Unit unit>
struct UnitTickRatio
#include <NanoTime.h>

Class template to define tick std::ratio type.


This would be preferable: template <Unit unit> using UnitTickRatio = std::ratio<unitTicks[unit].num, unitTicks[unit].den>; But GCC 4.8 doesn’t like it (lvalue required as unary ‘&’ operand)

tparam unit

returns std::ratio

Ticks per second