- Missing methods
Behaviour of String should reflect WString. Review and add any missing methods. Note that implementations for some are likely non-trivial since we cannot assume the content will fit into RAM.
- Benchmark filemap
Compare SPIFFS vs. file map:
File access times
File transfer times
- Formatted print output
We have separate argument for Array printing, but if we want to customise the text for each item as well then we have to use a regular for-loop and handle the separators as well.
Easiest is probably to just add format arguments to printTo() method.
Simple example: print an array of integers in HEX.
Need to consider with text escaping, probably leave that for external libraries.
- Multi-dimensional arrays
This could be an array of structs, so operator[] returns an entire row. As an optimisation, could we define additional accessors for nested levels?
Vector<Array>. Each array has to be defined before table.
Specialize operator for 2x2 case as it’s quite common. e.g. SubElementType operator[](unsigned row, unsigned col) const
- Type Information
The flashLength_ value can be redefined like this:
length: 20; elementSize: 3; ///< Number of bytes in each element, less one type: 5; ///< Enumeration identifying element type Char = 0, Signed, Unsigned, Float, Enum, String, Array, Vector, Map, UserDefined = 16 // Start of user-defined types
- Variant Object
Interprets objects based on type information at runtime. This would allow complex data structures to be defined and used without knowing the object types. For example, translated JSON or XML documents.
- Translation tools
Say we wanted to access a read-only JSON document. How might we do that?
Easy. We write a Host application, so we can use all the existing libraries. Memory not an issue.
Load the JSON document using ArduinoJson
Serialize the document into FlashString-compatible declarations, producing a header file and a source file.
All we need to do then is write a JSON serializer to produce the appropriate structures.