Server API

class HttpResource
#include <HttpResource.h>

Instances of this class are registered with an HttpServer for a specific URL.

Subclassed by ConfigDB::HttpImportResource, HttpMultipartResource, WebsocketResource

Public Functions

inline virtual void shutdown(HttpServerConnection&)

Takes care to cleanup the connection.

Public Members

HttpResourceDelegate onUrlComplete = nullptr

URL is ready. Path and status code are available.

HttpServerConnectionBodyDelegate onBody = nullptr

resource wants to process the raw body data

HttpResourceDelegate onHeadersComplete = nullptr

headers are ready

HttpResourceDelegate onRequestComplete = nullptr

request is complete OR upgraded

HttpServerConnectionUpgradeDelegate onUpgrade = nullptr

request is upgraded and raw data is passed to it

class PluginRef : public LinkedObjectTemplate<PluginRef>
#include <HttpResource.h>
class HttpResourceTree : public ObjectMap<String, HttpResource>
#include <HttpResourceTree.h>

Class to map URL paths to classes which handle them.

Public Functions

inline HttpResource *setDefault(HttpResource *resource)

Set the default resource handler.


resource – The default resource handler

inline HttpResource *setDefault(const HttpResourceDelegate &onRequestComplete)

Set the default resource handler, identified by “*” wildcard.


onRequestComplete – The default resource handler

inline HttpResource *setDefault(const HttpPathDelegate &callback)

Set the default resource handler, identified by “*” wildcard.

inline HttpResource *getDefault()

Get the current default resource handler, if any.

Return values:


HttpResource *set(const String &path, const HttpResourceDelegate &onRequestComplete)

Set a callback to handle the given path.


Path should start with slash. Trailing slashes will be removed.


Any existing handler for this path is replaced

  • path – URL path

  • onRequestCompleteDelegate to handle this path

Return values:

HttpResource* – The created resource object

template<class ...Tail>
inline HttpResource *set(const String &path, const HttpResourceDelegate &onRequestComplete, HttpResourcePlugin *plugin, Tail... plugins)

Set a callback to handle the given path, with one or more plugins.


Path should start with slash. Trailing slashes will be removed.


Any existing handler for this path is replaced

  • path – URL path

  • onRequestCompleteDelegate to handle this path

  • plugin – Plugins to register for the resource

Return values:

HttpResource* – The created resource object

HttpResource *set(String path, const HttpPathDelegate &callback)

Add a new path resource with a callback.


Path should start with slash. Trailing slashes will be removed


Any existing handler for this path is replaced

  • path – URL path

  • callback – The callback that will handle this path

template<class ...Tail>
inline HttpResource *set(const String &path, const HttpPathDelegate &callback, HttpResourcePlugin *plugin, Tail... plugins)

Add a new path resource with callback and one or more plugins.


Path should start with slash. Trailing slashes will be removed


Any existing handler for this path is replaced

  • path – URL path

  • callback – The callback that will handle this path

  • plugin – - optional resource plugin

Return values:

HttpResource* – The created resource object

inline void set(const K &key, V *value)

Set a key value.

  • key

  • value

struct HttpServerSettings
#include <HttpServer.h>

Public Members

uint16_t maxActiveConnections = 10

maximum number of concurrent requests..

uint16_t keepAliveSeconds = 0

default seconds to keep the connection alive before closing it

int minHeapSize = -1

min heap size that is required to accept connection, -1 means use server default

bool useDefaultBodyParsers = 1

if the default body parsers, as form-url-encoded, should be used

bool closeOnContentError = true

close the connection if a body parser or resource fails to parse the body content.

class HttpServer : public TcpServer
#include <HttpServer.h>

Public Functions

void configure(const HttpServerSettings &settings)

Allows changing the server configuration.

inline void setBodyParser(const String &contentType, HttpBodyParserDelegate parser)

Allows content-type specific parsing of the body based on content-type.

  • contentType – Can be full content-type like ‘application/json’, or ‘application/*’ or ‘*’. If there is exact match for the content-type wildcard content-types will not be used. There can be only one catch-all ‘*’ body parser and that will be the last registered

  • parser

inline void setBodyParser(MimeType mimeType, HttpBodyParserDelegate parser)

Allows content-type specific parsing of the body based on content-type.

  • mimeType

  • parser

Public Members

HttpResourceTree paths

Maps paths to resources which deal with incoming requests.