SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Client API
enum SmtpState
enumerator eSMTP_Banner
enumerator eSMTP_Hello
enumerator eSMTP_StartTLS
enumerator eSMTP_SendAuth
enumerator eSMTP_SendingAuthLogin
enumerator eSMTP_RequestingAuthChallenge
enumerator eSMTP_SendAuthResponse
enumerator eSMTP_SendingAuth
enumerator eSMTP_Ready
enumerator eSMTP_SendMail
enumerator eSMTP_SendingMail
enumerator eSMTP_SendRcpt
enumerator eSMTP_SendingRcpt
enumerator eSMTP_SendData
enumerator eSMTP_SendingData
enumerator eSMTP_SendHeader
enumerator eSMTP_SendingHeaders
enumerator eSMTP_StartBody
enumerator eSMTP_SendingBody
enumerator eSMTP_Sent
enumerator eSMTP_Quitting
enumerator eSMTP_Disconnect
enumerator eSMTP_Banner
using SmtpClientCallback = Delegate<int(SmtpClient &client, int code, char *status)>
SMTP response codes
class MailMessage
- #include <MailMessage.h>
Public Functions
inline MailMessage &setHeader(const String &name, const String &value)
Set a header value.
- Parameters:
name –
value –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
HttpHeaders &getHeaders()
Get a reference to the current set of headers.
- Return values:
HttpHeaders& –
MailMessage &setBody(const String &body, MimeType mime = MIME_TEXT)
Sets the body of the email.
- Parameters:
body –
mime –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
MailMessage &setBody(String &&body, MimeType mime = MIME_TEXT) noexcept
Sets the body of the email using move semantics.
- Parameters:
body – Will be moved into message then invalidated
mime –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
MailMessage &setBody(IDataSourceStream *stream, MimeType mime = MIME_TEXT)
Sets the body of the email.
- Parameters:
stream –
mime –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
MailMessage &addAttachment(FileStream *stream)
Adds attachment to the email.
- Parameters:
stream –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
MailMessage &addAttachment(IDataSourceStream *stream, MimeType mime, const String &filename = "")
Adds attachment to the email.
- Parameters:
stream –
mime –
filename –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
MailMessage &addAttachment(IDataSourceStream *stream, const String &mime, const String &filename = "")
Adds attachment to the email.
- Parameters:
stream –
mime –
filename –
- Return values:
MailMessage& –
inline MailMessage &setHeader(const String &name, const String &value)
class SmtpClient : protected TcpClient
- #include <SmtpClient.h>
Unnamed Group
bool send(const String &from, const String &to, const String &subject, const String &body)
Queues a single message before it is sent later to the SMTP server.
- Parameters:
from –
to –
subject –
body – The body in plain text format
- Return values:
bool – true when the message was queued successfully, false otherwise
Public Functions
bool connect(const Url &url)
Connects to remote URL.
- Parameters:
url – Provides the protocol, remote server, port and user credentials allowed protocols:
smtp - clear text SMTP
smtps - SMTP over SSL connection
bool send(MailMessage *message)
Powerful method to queues a single message before it is sent later to the SMTP server.
- Parameters:
message –
- Return values:
bool – true when the message was queued successfully, false otherwise
MailMessage *getCurrentMessage()
Gets the current message.
- Return values:
MailMessage* – The message, or NULL if none is scheduled
void quit()
Sends a quit command to the server and closes the TCP connection.
inline SmtpState getState()
Returns the current state of the SmtpClient.
inline void onMessageSent(SmtpClientCallback callback)
Callback that will be called every time a message is sent successfully.
- Parameters:
callback –
inline void onServerError(SmtpClientCallback callback)
Callback that will be called every an error occurs.
- Parameters:
callback –
bool send(const String &from, const String &to, const String &subject, const String &body)